Living In Horizontal Or Vertical City? Write A For And Against Essay

Living In Horizontal Or Vertical City? Write A For And Against Essay

Ngày nay với việc đô thị hóa, các tòa nhà cao chọc trời mọc lên nhanh chóng, vấn đề đặt ra là sống ở đâu tốt hơn: vertical hay horizontal? Có người thích sống theo horizontal ở các vùng không quá đông dân cư, nhà cao tầng, có người thích hiện đại nhộn nhịp với các tòa nhà chọc trời theo kiểu vertical. Dưới đây là bài For and Against essay thường gặp trong các kì thi Ielts.

Bài viết liên quan:

Topic: some people think that it is best to live in horizontal city while others think of a vertical city. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

As the social development, people now focus on issues related to quality of life considerably especially choosing ideal habitat. Some people believe that it is best to live in vertical city instead of horizontal city. Along with the merits that vertical city brings to life, there are considerable benefits of living horizontally.
The advocates of vertical cities suppose that such a densely- built community provides a well- rounded life’s quality. In general, the cities which is gathered advanced infrastructures and service systems make everything connected and convenient. People are easy to be accessible to good services such as entertainment, health care, and school in close distance. Therefore, it helps save travel costs and time effectively. Besides, it creates better job and business opportunities for dwellers due to high concentration of infrastructure. In fact, crowded cities is the ideal place of industry and business, as a result, the employee heads for such busy cities to seek for employment.
However, the opponents of vertical cities believe that it is beneficial to modern people to live in horizontal cities. Firstly, it is easier to live on a limited finance. No matter expensive service cost in city, resident anyway can afford a stable life in the countryside due to the low living standards. For that reason, it cuts down the worry about money effectively and makes life easier. Besides, it is safer for inhabitants to live in lower grounds when there happen accidents. People are quick to escape from the fires or floods when they are in low ground instead of getting stuck in high building in the city. Moreover, residents spread out to live and enjoy fresh air and green surrounding. Actually, it can be a worthy pleasures of older dwellers to live in a house with spacious garden. It is not only closer to nature but also good for health.
In short, I think as the extreme pollution of crowded cities, people had better spread out to stretch life expectancy and have a sustainable life. If dwellers are able to adapt to rural life, it can have significant changes on their quality of life.

Sống ở đâu cũng có những thuận lợi và bất lợi, tuy nhiên mình prefer sống theo kiểu horizontal hơn. Còn bạn nghĩ sao?

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