For And Against Essay About Whether Or Not Import Foreign Movies And TV Programs

For And Against Essay About Whether Or Not Import Foreign Movies And TV Programs

 Hiện nay với sự phát triển rộng rãi của mạng Internet cũng như giao thoa hội nhập văn hóa, các chương trình gameshows, phim ảnh đều được đến từ các nền văn hóa, quốc gia khác nhau. Vấn đề đặt ra là chúng ta có nên nhập khẩu phim ảnh của nước ngoài vào không hay chúng ta sẽ nói không với phim ngoại và tự sản xuất ? Topic dưới đây đã đặt ra 2 vấn đề đó, hãy cũng xem xét và thảo luận nhé!

Topic: some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to import foreign movies and TV programs. Other think that it is better to produce these locally. Discuss both view and give your opinion.

It is undeniable that television nowadays provides a various means of entertainment and information to life including domestic and foreign sources. However some people believe that it is better for a country’s culture to import foreign movies instead of producing local ones. Along with the benefits of buying movies from other countries, there are certain major advantages of domestic movie creation.

On the one hand, those who have preference for oversea film suppose that it brings enormous merits to the host culture. In general, it creates the most convenient ways for viewers to approach other cultures and broaden their horizon. Specifically, beside serving additional source of entertainment, foreign programs always include cultural factors inside it to broadcast the beauty of this culture to others. It helps viewers contribute their knowledge and also catch up with the world’s tendency. Besides, TV now are becoming a reliable tool of education thanks to foreign sources. If children are fed up learning languages in their textbook, foreign TV channels may be an alternative way to study effectively. Therefore, it can be seen that showing other country’s programs have significant roles to the host culture.

On the other hand, the opponents of importing foreign films argue that it is beneficial to the host culture to create their own movies without external competitors. Firstly, it is considered that local program production has its role to preserve national identity. Obviously, as the world’s trend, a country’s culture is under threat of loss of cultural characteristics and even getting involved in cultural assimilation. In Vietnam, for example, young generation are more and more crazy about Korean firms and K-pop, which have greatly influences on their lifestyle. This is the consequences of showing Korean culture at the “golden time”. Therefore, it is vital to increase local programs to restrict the bad impact from outside. Moreover, the local program production creates more opportunities for local film makers and actors to express their talent and creation. When the celebrities are closer to audiences, it makes them enthusiastic to devote their life to satisfy the audiences.

In short, local programs have showed their role to domestic entertainment and become major spiritual food of many people in recent years. In my opinion, it should be encouraged to develop and spread worldwide by cutting down a number of oversea TV channels. It may have remarkable changes in a country’s culture and others as well. 
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Với phương châm hội nhập nhưng không hòa tan, ở khía cạnh nào đó mình nghĩ chúng ta cũng nên nhập khẩu phim. Tuy nhiên đừng lạm dụng vì nó làm mất đi giá trị cốt lõi của dân tộc. Dạng bài for and against essay này rất thú vị và đòi hỏi người viết có critical thinking cao. Hy vọng các bạn đã nắm chắc cách viết For and Against essay và  nắm chắc writing skill. 
