Có Nên Nhốt Động Vật Trong Sở Thú Không? Should Animal Be Kept In Zoos Or Not?

Có Nên Nhốt Động Vật Trong Sở Thú Không? Should Animal Be Kept In Zoos Or Not?

(For And Against Essay)

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Bài viết liên quan:

TopicShould animals be kept in zoos or are they better living in natural habitat. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in a zoo?

 Nowhere is better than home is true for both human and animals. Some people argue that animals deserve to be in their habitat and enjoy their life there, whereas, the others believe that the existence of zoos is necessary. Along with the advantages of zoos, there are certain major drawbacks that cannot be overlooked. 
In one hand, those who advocate for keeping animals in zoos suppose that it brings huge merits to animals. Firstly, animals are taken care of carefully and professionally by the care- takers. Specifically, they are fed healthy food with scientific time and serving, regularly received medical care and provided some basic training. These decrease the rate of illness and death in animals. Besides, killing animals may not happen in zoo while it seems possible in natural environment. Each type of animal is living in separate case or area, thus, it prevents strong animals attack weak ones. Finally, zoos create a precious opportunity for people especially children to witness wild animals such as lion, tiger, whale and so on that are impossible to see if they are in nature. It can be seen that zoos play an essential part to both animals and people. 
On the other hand, the opponents of preserving animals in zoos think that it is beneficial for animals to be in their habitat. First of all, wild creatures have close relationship with nature that they belong to this environment. They are supposed to follows the nature rule in order to develop normally. Next, it is unfair to animals to be maintained in zoos since wild environment teaches them how to survive and come into being their characteristics that distinguish man and animals. For examples, the tiger's typical feature is hunting weak animals, therefore, they have to be trained to catch and claw the others. It can not be done if they are kept in a narrow space as the zoos. Looking at skinny and sorrow animals in zoos, it can be said that they are struggle for freedom day  by day. 
In short, each creature on earth belongs to each habitat and wild animals have right to be in jungle, pond, ocean and sky as human being. Living in a well- cared zoos or free space have certain merits and flaws on animals, thus, people should take into account this matter to make animals a happily life.

Mỗi người có mỗi cách suy nghĩ và suy luận khác nhau phải không nào? với mình thì mình thiên về việc trả tự do cho động vật hoang dã vì đó là quyền sống tự nhiên của chúng. Các bạn có đồng ý với mình không?

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