Sample: For And Against Essay About Environment

Sample: Some People Think That Environmental Problems Are Too Big For Individuals To Solve. Others Believe Individuals Can Have Some Role In Solving These Problems. Discuss Both views.

(For And Against Essay)

Môi trường luôn là vấn đề bàn luận nóng bỏng, tần suất xuất hiện của các vấn đề môi trường trong các bài thi học thuật cũng rất cao, đặc biệt trong bối cảnh môi trường đang bị ô nhiễm nghiêm trọng và nóng lên toàn cầu. Trong bài viết này sẽ là một chủ đề bàn luận về vai trò của cá nhân hay là cả cộng đồng trong việc bảo vệ môi trường. Các bạn đều phải For hoặc Against cho cả hai quan điểm này, sau đó mới được nói lên ý kiến cá nhân nhé!

Topic: some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others believe individuals can have some role in solving these problems. Discuss both views.

People every day are suffering from environmental problems while they seem to ignore their roles for environment. A matter of concern to many people whether tackling environmental issues is the duty of each individual. Along with each person’s responsibility for environment, there are certain major difficulties that one cannot solve.
On the one hand, it is believed that individual’s responsibility has remarkable changes to environment. Firstly, changing daily habit can reduce a big amount of garbage produced. For instance, individuals can start to use plant leaves to wrap food instead of plastic bags, reuse and recycle used bottles, cans or even clothes. Moreover, each individual should join hands to minimize water, air, and land pollution by scientifically choices. Specifically, taking public transports to cut down on greenhouse gases and using organic products are some of the most environmentally friendly acts for the planet. Gradually, each individual will have greatly impact on the whole society to protect the environment.
In contrast, in some cases, it is hard to protect the planet from pollution by one’s effort since it exceeds their ability. As the world’s trend to boost economy that has urged many countries to industrialize, a process involved in large scale manufacture, complex technology, and vast market. As a result, this not only leads to the rapid exhaustion of the earth’s natural resources but also pollutes the environment seriously. In Japan, for examples, radioactive releases to air in Fukushima Daiichi disaster caused thousands of deaths and left disastrous consequences. So far there has been vestige that the whole country has made a lot of efforts to reveal its outcomes, actually, this is a worthy lesson for any developed country. Besides, population booming is regarded as the primary cause that is poisoning the environment.  There are various drawbacks existing in population growth such as increasing slums, water shortage, and low life quality. China- the most crowded population in the world, for instance, air pollution resulting from exhaust fume of vehicles and factories has caused respiration diseases and lowered life quality, though both the government and each citizen try to change their habits to prevent pollution. Therefore, it can be seen that one’s ability has no considerable changes to some environmental issues.
In short, although individuals have their role to keep the earth clean, environmental issues are now global scale that needs the whole community join hand to solve.

Mỗi người đều phải chung tay bảo vệ hành tinh xanh của chúng ta phải không nào? Một cay làm chẳng nên non, ba cây chụm lại nên hòn núi cao, khi cả cộng đồng cùng chung tiếng nói, ý thức, hành động thì bất cứ khó khăn nào cũng vượt qua. Các bạn nghĩ sao về điều này? Hãy viết for and against essay ngay để xem lập luận của các bạn như thế nào nhé!
