Sample: Write A Paragraph About One Of Disadvantages When Living In City

Write A Paragraph About One Of Disadvantages When Living In City
 Với topic này chúng ta có rất nhiều sự lựa chọn, có thể chọn các bất lợi khi sống ở thành phố như: chi phí cuộc sống cao( high cost of living), tệ nạn xã hội( social evil), ô nhiêm không khí( air pollution), ô nhiễm tiếng ồn( noise pollution), ô nhiễm nguồn nước( water pollution), tắc đường( trafic jam), tội phạm( crime), chật chội (overcrowding)...

Topic:  write a paragraph about one of disadvantages when living in city.

One of the most serious drawbacks when living in a city is crime. Firstly, urban areas are always full of people from different religions and races. The more crowded people, the more uncontrolled it is, so it may lead to conflict and violence.  Secondly, there are many social evils in the city such as gambling, drug, robbery and so on. Therefore, people always feel unsafe and worried about these dangers. Finally, the rate of crime in city is higher than in rural area because of the higher living condition. There are too many means of entertainment available that can addict both youngsters and adults. Once they are addicted to social evil, they become uncontrolled and commit a crime easily. In conclusion, the number of crimes in the city are more increased and of course it causes enormous troubles to dwellers.

Mình cho rằng các vấn đề về tội phạm là một trong những rủi ro khi sống ở các thành phố lớn, còn bạn nghĩ sao?
